Tuesday, February 2, 2010

over the holidays update

Environment – mountains
Story objective – find the “old one
Characters – William, old one, villagers, creatures, wild life

Main story quest

free the villagers’ from the horrific being

reward – location of the “old one”

Trap – the enemy let you have the coded message so it would lead you to the “old one” who they have being holding him prisoner in his own home, guarded by....


Help villagers rebuild town
Find supplies
Kill invaders
Save villagers

Rewarded with old map of the mountains + player choice of gold, potion that increases attributes/skills or magic augment

Use the map to finds the “old one”
“old one” is protected by ancient dragons they must be defeated to progress
Old one deciphers coded message


Navigate through the mountain to find old one
Complete a task(s) for the old one in exchange/preperation for the decoded message

Side quests ideas
recover magic item from some form of demons trapped beyond the “arch” deep in the mountain

help the town find supplies

defeat large monster

Find lost villager

Stop bandit raids

Slay something

Collect stuff

Quest related to class

Find a hidden item/treasure



  1. i had an idea for the game some sort of event like a gauntlet you face continuous waves of enemies as you fight your way to an objective

  2. thats an interesting idea Adam.

  3. interesting... i had not thought of something like that yet

  4. I had some concept art but I sent it to Tim to see what he thought dunno what he's done with it but yeah I have since lost them :(

  5. you couldn't post them? aww well :(


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