Tuesday, May 25, 2010

New race! the Dongaar :)


well i did this last week actually but yeah, lel.

Based on the original concept created by Tanya, the Dongaar are a non-playable race of humanoid kangaroos. The Dongaar posess primitive weapons and structures and live in small tribes around flat plains. They are great hunters and rely primarily on speed and agillity, they also practice shamanistic rituals and magic based mainly on nature and the elements.

I designed four alternate textures to show variation between tribes and classes, such as hunters, civillians, shamans and cheiftans.
There is also a boss Dongaar that lives in Durokk the Neth'Nakkra city, who has somewhat been "domesticated" i guess you can say, wearing armour and acting somewhat more humanoid.

So as always not to bore you,

and here is the boss one, he's not named as of yet..
gonna probably try and stick away from anything with duplicate letters in it XP

aaand some objects

models are allready in the game with animations;

and yeah, well everything else :P




  1. Got a question, are those the kind of animations that we have to do for our models when we animate ours?

    So like, do we do a spell animation for it too? What's stand2? =D

  2. no no i just do too much :P all a creature needs is;

    stand 2 is like where the model looks around, itches, gets bored, stretches, then returns to to standard stand animation position, its just to break up the animations a bit for more realism,

    the additional animations that counld be used are
    -stand 2
    -walk (as aposed to run)


  3. we haved planned for spell animations in animals so at this stage spells are a no go for animals(good idea tho) and as for stand 2 ozy is pretty good at doing extra i think its just a alt stand


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