Friday, March 5, 2010

Something stronger to kill

Remember this guy ... of course you do

Well i thought that the player should have something else to fight other than some furry friends so ive given the character above the go...and i also needed a character for 3D next week

i have modified the character in max to resemble an war veteran of the species so far i only have the head done and since its Friday my blogging day here he is...remember its still unfinished so be kind on the references i didnt try to copy anything !!

Saturday update
still heeps to do and the above^^ pic has changed(the side view fixed)

Sunday update

as for the crystals on the back those are a symbol of power so they are only "given" by elders
this character is only a young veteran that as getting closer to his crystal seed also the poly count is a bit high and could use a reduction so the crystals were not a good idea for this one

Oh .... and stop forgetting to blog guys (cert 4s)
i hope you realize you get assessed on the amount of stuff you put on here


  1. nice work! im pretty impressed since you didn't actually draw a front view. nice progress though. cool to include the logo also.

    Blogging doesn't have to be s**tloads of work, just like 1 or 2 drawings, or a couple of links you've found that might help us shape our style a bit more.

  2. a thing to remember though Josh is poly count i.e. will we be able to put it in the engine and not have it die on us. But aside from that I think it looks freakin awesome.

  3. the poly count isnt the best im only up to the legs and the mesh has 1860 polys the eyes have 200 and the teeth(if needed) are up to 469
    ...yer im not the best lowpoly guy

  4. Nice looking model there, Josh. Do the eyes need so much detail? You can always cut the back half of them out if that won't show during movement.

    Will you be using the nVidia tool to get a bump, spec and light map for him? As in, is this a high poly version?

    If you handle all your models with LOD and lower-res textures for each detail model, you can get away with the higher poly characters. Just have to give a decent range on the pixel-drawing so you never notice it being swapped.

    Just depends how many of these will be around your face at a time I suppose :P The TAFE machines could probably handle quite a bit, depending on your overall scene etc.


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