Monday, April 12, 2010

Pigeon/Turtle and Gorimu

Here's a bit of work from monday's class and some holiday work.

Pigeon/Turtle. Haven't thought of a good name just yet. Drawn here as a female and a male, these critters like to crawl up trees to get an idea of their whereabouts. They eat small rats, insects, worms and seeds. If needed , they can also retreat a little into the shell to protect from predators.

Gorimu. Cross between a Gorilla and an Emu. It can run as fast as an emu, but has the dexterity of a gorilla, even with its front claws. Eats small rodents, can disguise itself with snow to prey on unsuspecting victims.


  1. Combine them together to create a Porimetal :p
    Sounds like a Pokemon...

    I really like both of them, i wouldn't mind seeing the Purtle with a dark blue shell with light blue dots, and white/greyish hair/feathers. Keep up the awesome work Scotty O:

  2. the female pigeon-turtle is actually adorable... :P i want one for a pet.

    a really, really weird! idea, if you had spoken it i would never belive it would be good but it actually looks pretty cools :) good job!

  3. Yes, i will definitely be getting Angelina Jolie to adopt one for me.

  4. ahahaha! yeah i must admit TJ drew the female version, i just drew another based on what came to mind, and coloured them differently when i saw that they looked different; but the same species.

    Great idea Oliver, ill paint another with those mentioned colours and features.


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