Thursday, April 22, 2010

Soul Dwasp Part III

The Soul Dwasp is like a secret discrete guardian that watches over Eninroth, not much is known about it to the rest that dwell there. It is rarely seen, but always there. As it lingers like a timeless ghost with its seamless beauty throughout the silence of time. It shares the traits of a hummingbird in its movements. Hovering over everything with immense speed and precision, it looks as if it's floating rather than hovering. Its agile like qualities allow it to move gracefully in all directions, rotating within the air vertically and horizontally. Its heart is visible through transparent layers of skin as it is the flame and spark of Eninroth, a crystallized heart that was forged out of the past souls of Eninroth by the stars which symbolize the life and longevity of the land which makes it an extremely powerful and unique power source. Because of this, it is able to communicate with the environment and its surroundings.From the back it also has a tail tucked up the back with a barb like end that seems to excrete a fluid that can heal all wounds and remedy poisons and other injuries. The Soul Dwasp is incredibly playful, innocent looking,and seems very childish in nature, though definitely not to be underestimated as it is very wise and perceptive. They are attracted to energy sources of any sort and kindhearted people and thus are the guardians of their ruins.

My brief description of the Soul Dwasp is that i tried to attribute the positive aspects of shadows upon it, to maintain a welcoming and alluring appearance. I also tried to give it flames of shadows for the ears, for an interesting and unique look? ;]

All this is of course just an idea i have conjured up, tapping the wand three times upon my head. So it can be changed or altered to suit or fit into the game better. Any suggestions or ideas?

Interested in the evolution of the process for the Soul Dwasp thus far? Check out its history below.

1 comment:

  1. nice background info i like that unknown entities are watching over Eninroth this idea may lead some were


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