Sunday, March 21, 2010

ITS A SQUIRREL!! just some random squirrel i made... can be used if you want.
Gets eaten by everything (Food source) Breed really fast (like rabbits or something)


  1. I'm jealous that you're capable of a feeling such as jealousy :p

    Nice work Macca, don't forget to keep the Poly's to a minimum :O

  2. How does it eat? =p.

    jk looks awesome.

  3. Nice one, I'd like to see it eat =P

  4. how does a SQUIRREL! surrvive in a cold and hostle enviroment with lots of killer plants? whats its practical use in the game?

  5. thats really cute, i have to ask but how do you post your things in here? i'm really confused.

  6. make a post? well theres a link that is on the top right of the page that says "New Post" you must be signed in first did that answer your question?

  7. sorry but i can't see new post anywhere? D: i've looked for ages and theres a bar at the top that says 'dashboard' and 'sign out' hmmm.

  8. the try also signing in link near the followers section near the top also... or maybe you don't have access in which case ill need your email

  9. Pomegranate!! not you again , my arch nemesis, i deliberetly escaped from Gloomy Mushroom Land to escape you.

    I hate you !! Soooooooooo much!

  10. WTF!??! GTFO-> from r blog u n00bs... At least from my post *sigh*

  11. Josh, can't you just kick/ban their fruity arses?

  12. LOL >_> I found a way to show you my tree, I'm not sure what I did but its in its own blog now? anyway heres the link:

  13. ooooooooooooooooooo i know who you are now ill help you out next project class no probs :)

  14. wow record comments

    and you can lay off this pomegranate person pretty sure she is in our class

  15. Yes, record comments and yet more than half (way more than half) barely relate to what is bein' commented on at all. =D

    And sorry Pomegranate.

  16. Well to be fair, i don't think this post ever actually related to the project. Lol at the Pomegranate's :] nice name Pomegranate.

    Also, keep the spam to a minimum guys :]


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