Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Hey guys, this is an idea for an Eninroth loading screen and need Josh's approval before doing the final finish/polish and make it all pretty and everything.

The idea is basically my own interpretation of what the Neth Tree would look like. It's unfinished but this is basically what the "skeleton" or outlines of the tree would look like. Then I'll add bright blue flouresent hues to it and make it all glow and everything and then add tiny details here and there such as moss or something on there and mushrooms or whatever. I'm going to endeavor for a more professional look (which means using my artistic ability to the fullest, lol) when I get the go-ahead.

The branches are basically gonna look crystaline and everything.
To get a basic idea of how the final product, I did a test run with it and this is how it turned out:

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