Saturday, April 10, 2010

Animal Drawing

Luke Davis - Evil Twin

Like Liam mentioned below, we both had a tough week with sorting some stuff out but I present a Crocotoise. The black dots on the shell are spikes, like you see go up on a crocodiles back, except the spikes are as strong as the shell, and sharp.
Any suggestions on whether it's okay, or not what where looking for is appreciated.


  1. good work
    so your creature is a mix between a croc,tortoise and an echidna interesting how dose it survive in its environment? is it warm or cold blooded? how dose it use its shell? why dose it have a shell to protect it from the cold or meaner animals?

  2. Aren't most reptiles cold blooded? lol :p

  3. I thought *all* reptiles were cold blooded... otherwise it wouldn't be a reptile. o_O;

    Awesome drawing by the way. I like the concept. I can't match that... I've been rejected so many times, my self-esteem has already broken into so many tiny pieces and no longer confident of what I'm doing. I'm lost. Oh, the drama...

  4. Yes, all reptiles are cold blooded, i was being polite by form of hint. And JOSH took advantage of my kindness ;[


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